石厅 from an aerial photo.


Living on campus doesn’t mean being confined to a cold, impersonal “dorm.” You’ll be living in a place filled with plenty of interesting people, events and activities where life-long relationships are made. What makes each residence hall and/or apartment community unique? 它的人民! Each building thrives on the involvement of the students living there. 无论你选择住在哪里,你都会发现精彩的传统值得享受. 也, by getting involved, 你可以在策划传统活动和创造未来的“经典”中发挥积极作用.”

Located at both the north and south ends of campus, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的住宿设施提供了各种各样的建筑,让学生可以选择不同的生活方式. 设施包括传统的双层走廊和套房风格的安排以及公寓社区. 每个住宅设施都有自己的个性,这不仅取决于它的物理结构, but also by the staff and the people who live there.

Each residence hall is self-contained with its own lounges, recreation areas, study rooms and a variety of services. In addition to this, each student’s room is equipped with the basic amenities-beds, 梳妆台, 壁橱, 桌子, chairs and draperies. 强烈鼓励居民从家里带个人物品,并装饰给空间自己的特色.


Apartment-style 学生宿舍



The 鹰口岸 complex consists of three apartment buildings: Falco, the building housing the 100’s, Accipiter the 200’s and Buteo the 300’s. 该综合体为30学分及以上的学生提供公寓生活环境,全年开放. 每间公寓都有客厅/餐厅区、厨房、浴室和两间卧室. As garden apartments, 霍克十字路口社区为居民提供了非传统校园生活的自由和责任. 知道了这一点, 建议霍克十字路口社区的成员注意个人安全和个人责任,包括锁门, 保持楼梯间入口关闭,不允许陌生人进入住房设施. 大学警察会在深夜巡查社区,并加强警力.

Learn about 鹰口岸

这个村庄 at Little Falls

乡村社区是一个位于校园西北角的公寓综合体. 该综合体由四栋住宅楼和一栋办公楼组成,办公楼还包含一个警察局. 每间公寓都通向一个封闭的走廊,设计用于容纳四名居民, primarily in single rooms, 然而, can also accommodate students in double rooms. Within each apartment, residents will enjoy such amenities as a dishwasher, air-conditioning, cable and high-speed internet access. Laundry facilities are located on each floor. 为了好玩,居民们可以利用半篮球场和室外游泳池. The year-round facility houses upper-class students with 50+ credits, international and graduate students. It is also home to the Global Living community. 在夏季的几个月里,奥运村还提供住宿和会议服务.

Learn about 这个村庄
Traditional-style 学生宿舍



Bohn大厅 is home to first-year students only. 这些一年级学生将有机会在一个高度参与的生活环境中与同龄人分享他们的大学第一年. 波恩的居民将有机会建立新的联系,并将学习沟通所需的技能, 发展人际关系,与其他一年级学生合作生活. Bohn大厅 is the tallest of the residential buildings at 十大博彩推荐排名州立. The residents enjoy a scenic view of the New York City skyline to the east, the Blanton-Bohn Quad and the foothills of the Watchung Ridges to the west. Most of the sixteen floors are separated into three wings: A, B and C. 每个侧翼约有20名居民和一名居民助理住在每个侧翼. The main desk area is staffed by Service Assistants.

Capturing a scenic view of the New York City skyline, Bohn大厅的16层楼容纳了大约500名学生.

Learn about Bohn大厅


石厅 was built in 1955. 2007年,一个空出来的附属托儿中心空间被改成了额外的床位. In 2015 石厅 was fully renovated, as it transitioned from an office building back to a residence hall. 石厅 and Annex is a co-ed, 146个床位的传统宿舍,学生房间沿着双层走廊和集中的浴室设施. 多年来,大比例的新生和小尺寸的建筑造就了伟大的学生精神. 石厅 has a 24- hour quiet area wing.

Learn about 石厅
Suite-style 学生宿舍



布兰顿大厅, built in the early 1980’s and renovated in Summer 2012, is designed to promote a comfortable living environment. This five-story building with central air conditioning is comprised of, suites with adjoining rooms connected by a bathroom. Each residential floor consists of four wings: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Four Resident Assistants supervise each floor. A Resident Assistant lives on each wing. The front desk area is staffed by Service Assistants. 大学健康中心位于建筑北侧的一层.

Learn about 布兰顿大厅

弗朗西斯一个. 辛纳屈大厅

辛纳屈大厅 opened in August 2010. 这个宿舍楼的主要目标之一是创造一个充满活力和审美愉悦的氛围,以满足现代高等教育学生的需求. 六层建筑的上层每层容纳45-50名学生(24个或更多学分),六到八个床位的套房. There is a lounge that promotes social activity among residents.


Learn about Frank 辛纳屈大厅


位于校园东南角,靠近正门,就在约翰J. Cali School of Music, 弗里曼大厅为学生提供套间式的安排,两个房间通过浴室连接. Freeman houses the Arts Interdisciplinary Living community (AILC). 这个学习社区是由艺术设计专业的学生组成的, 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, broadcasting and/or communication studies. 弗里曼大学有一个食堂,以方便校园那一地区的居民.

Learn about 弗里曼大厅

的高度: Dinallo and Machuga Halls

的高度 opened in the fall of 2011. 这是根据2009年《十大博彩推荐排名》启动的第一个公私合作项目. It is located at the north end of campus. 这些建筑是套间式的,有单人或双人居住的机会. The suites have occupancy of two people. 这些楼里住着归国学生、转学生和一年级学生.

Learn about 的高度


俄国人的大厅 was originally built in 1915, 后来被改建为行政大楼,并在20世纪90年代中期重新装修为学生宿舍. 俄国人的大厅 is a 97-bed, 由套房组成的男女混合宿舍位于校园南端,毗邻弗里曼大厅. 俄国人的大厅 residents enjoy amenities such as central air conditioning, a recreation room and a full kitchen located on the first floor. It also shares a dining hall with the residents from 弗里曼大厅.


Learn about 俄国人的大厅

Several of the facilities also house Living Learning Communities for students who share common interests.

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